Thursday, November 29, 2007
A tiring day...
Hellos... quite a few days nvr post le... was boring like hell watching dvds over and over again... today was quite tiring... woke up at 8+ by mum's scolding about tidying room... no choice... got pissed up... woke up.. brush teeth and stuff... went to tidy stuff without eating breakfast... then ermm... throw quite alot of stuff away... so now my hse LOOKS neat... in the cardboard is still like crap... haha!! gonna tidy it up... get the old books and pass it down to my cousins... ok lah.. nth really much happen... only tat i wanted to go pk in the morning but this crap came up.. haha.. then decided to cancel it with jw... just woke up from nap... dunno why so tired? maybe becuz im waiting for something.. tats why... watch video until fall aslp.. haha!! okok... gonna buy books on sat (30th) and then someone... anyone... PLEASE JIO ME OUT!!! i wan die at home le!