YOYOZ~! okok.. nth much to post about today.. morning woke up... notice tat sis went to work.. she promise to wake me up and go to draw money for my new bike... then.. i was damn angry with everything and shouted at mum? haiish.. it s over, nvm... then i went to bathe and go to meet sis at KRW (kent ridge wing)... went to b.vista and had lunch with sis... and went back to buy bike and sis went to ranzl's hse... haha!!! okok.. buy my bike... ride it back... use the pc awhile.. went to meet zawoo... then before tat.. went to cousin hse (my checkpoint).. and then went to cck cc... saw jw ONLY... zawoo went back home... later on.. we CAMP at zawoo hse there.. he went on a red taxi.. with his brother and mum... then i went cycling back.. to cousin hse (my checkpoint again) then.. ermm.. went back home... use the pc now... nth to do.. tmr maybe going out with pri sch frenz... so ya... nid to slp earlier today.. hehehx... okok.. good night ppl!!