Saturday, August 4, 2007

The "Arcadiness" Day...

my 20th blog post!! haha...
ok... today when out with rayna and jianping and xinying...
went to lot1 and play arcade...initial D
wth lor... so ex $1 sia...
jurong point only 55c...
haha.... ok... after tat went to jp's hse.... rayna went back home...
then me use jp pc watch "family guy" on youtube...
while xy play audi....with bran and zoe...
then ermm.. me and jp go play Xbox at living room...
played burnout and another cute cute game....
haha then went to bb stn.... take mrt to boon lay... go to grandma hse..
then eat dinner... then quite bored.... so went to jurong point play arcade again...
initial d again...spend $5 for my card... played a 2 rounds with a kid....
i won!!! haha... lols... then i used a blue car...
toyota wan... dunno wad model....
then after tat use traris gave me de card... haha... i train map...
nvr vs com haha!!! haha... lols.... chg the car's part...
dun understand becuz it is in jap... haha
lols.... then after tat when home with mum and now using com posting about my day...
ok lah... ermm.. tmr maybe go to library with IWAs again... haha
ok bye!!!! take care ppl!!!