today is not a really fun day... haha
got to noe my result for sci from traris...
34.5/50... then ermmm
got CME lesson.. then recess... smsed waihian and felicia...
then ermm... after tat got dnt... finally finish my work..
still play "gun" with traris... haha... lols... then ermm...
after dnt is history... got back my result... 14/30...
but then manage to SQUEEZE out 2 marks.. got 16/30...
good...from fail to a pass... ok... then was music... the same old thing
watch "anna and i" then ermm... went walking home with traris...
ate... then now at pc...trying to do lit chp9....
but yuzhuang borrow my bk...
hais... tmr then copy... then ermm...
now preparing tmr npcc POP...
polishing badges and boots.... then...
ermm.. later at nite iron shirt and pants?
ok... must faster prepare finish... lols...
kk... bye ppl... take care...!!!