Monday, September 17, 2007

Monday is a boring day

today is MONDAY!
money day... haha! lols..
ok lah... today damn boring lor... dun feel like going to sch wan..
but too bad... have to.. ytd nite didnt slp well..
slp at 11... then woke up at 12+ and 4am in the morning...
mum woke me up at 6am... didnt really feel tired...
arrived at sch at 6 30... then sms her... tok cock abit... haha
then... saw traris and his styled hair?
win me and zawoo liao lor... haha! so pro sia... coolz...
then ermm... the whole day nth to do much... just sms abit...
and obviously missing her... haha... ok... alot ppl noe about it...
too bad... haha! then ermm... after sch have to mark CL wb...
our grp took the 1st excerise.. haha... most of it is TJ mark wan...
then.. ermm.. wait for zawoo 2 eat...
and then the TRIO walk to my hse there...
slack awhile... then i go home
and traris and zawoo go back to theirs... in YT...
went back and had lunch? later zawoo call me...
say he break with vinia?!
tat was like damn shock lah... haha!!
ok... then me tot he joking nia...
then ask traris... he say it is true... then ok lor...
not much of my business oso...
haha... next... she sms me... say she still in sch...
then i faster finish food.. then go find her... too bad...
she walk home herself liao...
haiss.... wanted to walk her home wan...
ok then... i slack awhile at 366.... until ard 4, 5 plus...
go to our hse ther de bb court...
then listen to songs... then zawoo call me...
say he and vinia patch back... i was like WTF?! okok...
then me and him chat on the fone...
tat bloody place i sat got lot of mosquito lah... then i quickly go to another spot?
went all the way to guilin... haha!!!
then walk and tok with zawoo at the same time..
i keep saying the F*** word sia... in all kinds of form...
haha! then later on...
he had to go fetch his bro, so i went home...
use PC until now... chat with a few dudes...
then ermm... tats about it lah... quite a busy day... but boring!!!