Saturday, September 22, 2007

Parkour Day..

today is quite busy lah...
woke up at 8am, on pc see who online and check mail,
prepare for todays run, watch some videos.
next went to bathe and get ready and warm up for the run lah...
took 947 to batok. tot i last liao... but...
went to batok stn meet up with zhilin.
waited for a long time for jiawei
met up with jiawei train come, then we all went to towards tampines..
meet roy, halim's friend... damn bored in the train lah..
the 3 of us tinking how roy will look like... haha!...
next we reach tampines... met roy... then went to DINO
then we warm up there? MY KNEEL HURTS!!! argh...
i roll will kena tat same post... my left kneel and right elbow
damn pain lah... argh... then roy's parkour crew coming bit by bit...
thn after tat we went to sengkang, parkour at a few spots lah..
i just SKIP all haha... so after tat..
me and zhilin and jiawei went to rivervale mall eat?
i forget the place call wad... haha!! lols... like normal shping cntr only..
we went to long john eat... spend like $7? forget liao lah...
ok next, we went to take LRT.. (faster then panjang wan!!! )
then zhilin nvr sit b4... damn scare... like san ba lao... haha
then hor... we change to MRT.... take until o.park then change...
zhilin really noob lah.. dunno where to go... heng me and jiawei noe...
then we tok cock like hell in the train lah... then later me and zhilin drop down at bb
then me "send" zhilin home... then i turn back... go west mall walk...
then i saw the time... so late liao... faster go home...
on the pc... see who online again.. listen to songs... bathe liao
then slack until evening... dad came back... cook dinner for himself
i call him dun cook mine... then i went to westmall to find zhilin and eat lah!
then zhilin say he at home? so i went to mac eat... only spend $2 on double cheeze.
argh... haha drinks is more expensive lor.. haha!....
then i go parkour at westmall there, got alot of rails and open ground...
so many ppl see sia... haha! got uncle, auntie, angmo, kids, adults, teens....CHIOBU!
the uncles and aunties call me be careful... haha somemore scare then me.. haha!!!
haha... lols... then i tried monekey, turn, gate, lazy vault. then cat leap, rolls and lands...
the chiobu say "so cool, stunt sia." then she keep looking at me... haha!
so happy... lols... i only do lazy vault leh! haha.. haha
next... i was damn tired? went home, use pc until now... haha!!!
whole body pain like hell lah... going JE LIB tmr? haha dunno lah...
(say 1st ar, my post got skip alot of things wan.)
ok byes! MISSES! haha lols =D