today is such a lovely but boring day...
ytd... quite alot of things happen lah.. morning had Maths paper 2... which is easier than paper 1... nvr rlly have much prob with the qns.. after tat... when to tok cock abit... then ermm... went home... eat then use pc... chat on msn awhile... then wanted to go out... so went to bathe and prepare.... ermmm something happen after tat...(=X) then i went out... went to yt... find zhilin and jw... zawoo went back home liao... and traris cannot come out... then aft awhile we tok cock alot lah.. the three of us... then walk here and there... slack here and there... all the while thinking about her... ermmm... ok... then 6 plus jw go home... me and zhilin go batok slack again... i sms sis... tell her wad happen just now... then ermm... slack at playground... 8pm go zhilin hse downstairs slack.. then i decide go zhilin hse. like wad zhilin said... his mum is cute? lols... ok lah.. thn had meal there... then we went down to "study" lit... then zhilin call her come down.. then i call halim... both of them came down eventually... ;D got another chance to see her liao!!! xD ok... then cannot study lor... dunno why? then ermmm her dad came... tok to her.. then she went back home... ): then halim then me then zhilin... all go back... i sat in the bus... tinking about her.... hais... my mind just cant stop it lah... haiiis...
ok then... tats all... bye!