Hellos... look at the date...
it is childrens' day... for those who are reading my post now..
i guess most of u... or maybe ALL of u... are not children anymore..
as in 12 years and below... but..
we must not forget this great day...
we had celebrate CD (children's day) as a holiday per year for at least 6 years..
but now... it izzit a holiday for us.. but we still celebrate it..
okok... now for the not-so-happy part...
today... might be happy for MOST of u..
but not ME... there is EOY and alots of stuff to prepare for it..
tmr is my sci paper... but i am still online chatting..
haiis... ask HER* just ONE qns... and she just shoot me right back..
tat really hurts u noe... i was just asking... like wad i do to all the others...
u dun have to just ans me back like tat right? hais...
okok... gtg and study for my sci eoy tmr... BYE.