lol... alot of thing hppn today...
morning was late bcuz i forget iron uniform lah...
30min late.. make 10 ppl wait for me.. so ps lor.. haishh..
then after tat chat chat chat all the way to red cross..
then took our tins and set off... then me and traris grp..
along with a few 2e2`07 girls.. then we play play nia..
then went back to return tins and i set back home..
reach home slp for awhile and then went to npcc...
got campcraft today.. thn we somehow improve quite alot..
even though we know some of the stuff last min... haha XD!!
good luck for the girls next sat lor!
thn went home.. went riding and eat my dinner..
train my bunnyhop and kena scolded by one uncle..
i cant hear wad he scolding about.. i wearing earpiece..
haa.. went home back and now blogging..
tmr nid to settle ALL my hwk then go out by afternoon
wish i can do so lah.. nid to rest soon le.. BYE!!
(NOTE: alot of parts skipped)
dont listen to what people say ok?
im still here for u..
dun care wad ppl say wors... ;)
tmr we meet wan?